Tachograph module is a software application for GPS system for vehicle control of Viasat Group. It is designed for companies with trucks that perform domestic or international transport in the countries of the European Union. Find out the business benefits and problems you will solve using the Viasat Group software in the next few lines.

  1. Avoid Manually Downloading the Tachograph Data 

The data is downloaded remotely from software in the required DDD format. 

  1. You Do not Need to Think about the Organization of Downloading DDD files

DDD files are downloaded automatically every 7 days. The process does not require human intervention.

  1. Storage of Tachograph Data and Driver Cards Data – 24 Months

All downloaded data is stored for 24 months and can be downloaded locally upon request or kept on the server for up to two years. 

  1. WEB Access to DDD files 

You can access the remotely downloaded DDD files 24/7, whenever you want.

  1. Quick Information about the Schedule for Downloading Data from the Tachograph Memory for Trucks and Drivers

Information about whether all DDD files are downloaded in the allotted time you get in seconds with a few clicks in the software.

  1. Online Information about the Validity of Each Driver’s Cards and the Company Card

Company and driver’s card validity information is registered in module Tachograph and you can be notified before it expires.

  1. You Know the Driving Times and Breaks of Each Driver and Vehicle

You can check if the driving and rest times of each driver and truck are in compliance.

  1. You Avoid Penalties for Non-compliance with the Deadlines for Downloading the Data from the Tachograph and from the Driver’s Cards

According to Art. 38 of Regulation H-3, regulating the retrieval and storage of data from the memory of the digital tachograph and the driver card, carriers and persons performing transportation at their own expense are obliged to extract the data from the memory of the digital tachograph and the driver card:

(1) at least once every 90 days – for digital tachograph memory data

(2)  at least once every 28 days – for the data from the driver’s card.

(3) when renewing a driver card. 

 In case of non-observance of these deadlines and inspection by the Executive Agency “Automobile Administration”, the control bodies shall draw up acts for violations.

To make sure that the deadlines are met and the data is available, use Viasat Tacho Manager to the GPS system of Viasat Group.

Learn more from our specialists by contacting us at 0700 1 49 49 or by completing the form below.