Trail sheetс are used for accountability to institutions and in-house vehicle control.

Generally, trail sheets can be generated in two ways:

1 / Manually by the driver

2 / Automatically via software, using a GPS Tracking System for Vehicle Control.

Undoubtedly, everyone has a convincing argument for manual or automatic generation of route sheets, but in terms of time and convenience, the use of software for this purpose is simply a better choice.

The easiest way to generate a trail sheet is to use a GPS device and software for monitoring and control. With the GPS Vehicle Control Software you can:

           Automatically generate trail sheets for the entire fleet in minutes;

           Pull up trail sheets only for the working hours of the cars;

           Set up trail sheets to be generated on a particular day or every day;

           Include city and highway mileage in trail sheets;

           Get automatically generated trail sheets in several different formats, including Excel.

 The GPS system can prepare all trail sheets for you and store them electronically.

We’ve prepared a short video showing how you can generate trail sheets quickly , easily and automatically with the  Smart Tracker software .

If you have any questions about trail sheets, please contact us at 0700 1 49 49 or ask for a quote on a GPS tracking system with an automatic trail sheet generating module.