6 Challenges When Renting Out Bucket Trucks
If you’re operating in the construction industry and your business includes renting out bucket trucks, you’re probably often met with challenges connected to the relationships between you and your clients.
Toggle1. How much time are the bucket trucks actually in use for by you client?
Even if you calculate the rent per day it isn’t the same whether the truck is being used for one or eight hours. More precise information regarding the number of hours of use allow for flexibility and hourly billing according to use.
2. When is it time to replace the traction battery?
The earlier you know that it’s time to change the traction battery, the easier it’s going to be to plan the costs and respectively avoid unplanned breakdown and maintenance of the bucket truck.
3. When is the key left in the power supply without the machine being used?
This is unwanted because it leads to discharge of the battery. When you receive information of a key left in the power supply without the machine being used, you could fine the client or at least notify him.
4. Is the battery of the electric bucket trucks being charged regularly when in use by clients?
It is vital that your clients take good care of your bucket trucks when they rent them. What would you do if you knew that your machine has been left with no power?
5. Is the machine allowed to run until only a small amount of fuel is left in the tank?
It is contraindicative for the machine to work with little fuel in its tank. Because often times the rent of these machines doesn’t include fuel and the client has to supply it himself, it often happens so that the machines work on the verge of shutting down because of low fuel supply. This is bad for the vehicle.
6. How do you deal with the clients who don’t pay rent but continue to use your bucket truck?
Remote disabling of the machine will allow you to limit use when rent hasn’t been paid.
A GPS tracking system for control allows you to solve each and every one of the 6 listed problems.
Get in touch with us for a free consultation if you’ve encountered one of the above problems and don’t have a solution at hand.