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To witness or have been involved in a motorcycle accident, and to have survived is a real nightmare, but also good luck for anyone who rides on two wheels. In such a situation, the driver’s chances of survival depend to a large extent on the timely reporting to the rescue institutions, as well as on the time for the rescue team to reach the scene of the accident. Statistics show some sad facts that make us think about road tolerance and compliance with road restrictions.

To what extent are motorcyclists at risk of road accidents?

An interesting study on the subject, conducted by the Hotline Foundation in Zaragoza, Spain, focuses on road accidents with the most vulnerable road participants, namely pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. The report of the study is based on 500,000 road accidents in the period 2007-2016, as well as on 542 analyzes of the dynamics of the impact made by forensic scientists. Based on the reconstruction of the crash dynamics, the specialists have prepared specific reports on the causes and consequences of each incident.

Here are some of the results of the study:

  • About 10,000 motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians were killed and nearly 500,000 injured in various road accidents in the period 2007-2016;
  • Almost half of those killed were motorcyclists;
  • 50% of road deaths in Spain are motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Another study, again conducted in Spain by the Mutua Madrileña Foundation, also analyzed motorcycle accidents, citing the following statistics on casualties:

  • 8% of motorcyclists are involved in at least one road accident with another vehicle per year;
  • 7% of motorcycle accidents end in injuries or deaths.

What are the statistics for motorcycle accidents in Bulgaria?

According to the Ministry of Interior, incidents with motorcyclists are becoming more frequent.

  • By the middle of the 2018 motorcycle season, 16 motorcyclists were killed in various road accidents and 117 were injured.
  • For comparison, the number of motorcyclists killed in 2017 was 5 and the number of injured was 101.
  • In 2016, there were 6 dead and 123 injured motorcyclists in a total of 129 incidents.

The response time of medical teams in these motorcycle, car, and pedestrian accidents is crucial to saving lives. With Viasat Moto, the signal could be sent to medical organizations automatically in the event of an accident, which significantly reduces the risk for the driver in a traffic accident.
