Smarttracker update version-195-68
What’s new in SmartTracker?
I. Hiding the vehicles personal usage data
The system has a new work mode „GDPR – Private Driving“. In this mode the system automatically hides the detailed information of the vehicle personal usage and shows only general information for the mileage and the fuel consumption. For this purpose the drivers have to identify himself with “Personal” type RFID card.
II. Stoppages with „engine on“ control
Until now the system was detecting a vehicle stoppage either when the engine was off, or when the vehicle was on the same location with engine on for at least 5 minutes.
The user can now control the time setting of stoppage detection with engine on state. This means that you can set the system to display „stoppage“ if the vehicle stays on the same location with engine on for at least 2 minutes, for example, or even – for one hour, depending on your needs.
Using the vehicle as “Mobile office” is one of the reasons for larger fuel consumption. The vehicle stays in place with engine on and air conditioner working, when the weather is too hot or cold. With the new function you will be able to detect if drivers are using the vehicles in that mode and they consume more fuel that way.
III. Gas station card and Lessor for each vehicle.
Two new informational properties are available for each vehicle. Now you can enter the gas station card for a vehicle, as well as the vehicle lessor‘s name (if such).
IV.New reports
1) Drivers identification and refuels – This report helps you to control all the drivers identifications in your vehicles. Also it gives you information which driver has made a refuel and what is the total refueling quantity for each driver.
2) Car usage report – This report provides information about what part of your fleet is actually being used and how many vehicles were not used enough during a desired time period. This will give you the opportunity to analyze how effective your fleet is and if you have too much or too many vehicles. The report can summarize the data by different departments, geographic regions etc. depending on how your fleet is organized.
V. Car Sharing Module update – vehicles reservation
SmartTracker Car Sharing is an additional module of Viasat SmartTracker system, which allows your employees to reserve vehicles from your fleet management for administrative usage.
This module is suitable for companies with large fleets where not every employee needs a vehicle all the time. This module allows your employees to reserve a vehicle for a business meeting or a transfer to the station or to the airport.
If you have interest and want to activate this module, please contact us by phone 0700-1-49-49 or at mailto:
For any problem with the system update, please contact us by phone 0700-1-49-49 or at mailto: Our support specialists are at your service.