Viasat Group has been included within the prestigious Best Performance Club, a platform dedicated tonominating companies that have performed best in the last three years. A mandatory condition forparticipation is that all companies have to have participated in the last three editions of the BestPerformance Awards. 

Best Performance Award honours Italian companies achieving sustainable development. 

SDA Bocconi School of Management, in partnership with J.P. Morgan Private Bank, PwC, ThomsonReuters and Gruppo24Ore, launches the Best Performance Award to honour Italian enterprisescapable of generating economic, technological, human, social and environmental value, with overallsustainable growth. 

The award process will select companies, with revenues between € 25 and € 500 million, with ability topursue business continuity while respecting human and environmental (Green & Social); innovative(Innovation & Technology); economic (Value Added) objectives. 

The process consists of three phases: 

  • Analysis of economic and financial data of companies within specific economic and financialparameters. 
  • Analysis of data from questionnaire previously submitted by companies that have passed thefirst-phase selection. 
  • SDA Bocconi will analyse and check the authenticity of the data from companies which haveparticipated in the second phase of selection. 


The applicant companies have to be independent from foreign groups and operate in the industrialsector; they should have an EBITDA margin higher than the rest of the sector.

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