How efficiently are company cars used? Are there some that sit in the parking lot for days without being used, while others are constantly busy?

How to optimize the use of company cars with a shared use module?

  • Optimal choice of car according to the number of passengers. Car requests are made by specifying the number of passengers and the purpose of the trip. This allows the correct vehicle to be booked for the appropriate number of passengers. For example, it is not rational, and also expensive, to use a van or a four-seater vehicle when the car will be used by one person.
  • Impossibility of requesting an already reserved car.
  • Automatic release of cars if the latter is not used within an hour of the requested start time.
  • A convenient calendar of requests, with which you can quickly see occupied and free cars.
  • For companies with a large fleet, the system allows grouping the cars by geography, city, or other criterion. This allows each unit to use cars from their city and depot.
  • Each group of cars, let’s call them conditionally – “depot”, is an independent unit, and all automation and optimization functions are applied independently to it. In this way, mistakes are avoided in which a car is provided from the depot in Varna for a request in Sofia.
  • If the use of cars from a given depot is insufficiently compacted, the latter can be redirected to another, thus balancing and optimizing the operation of company cars.
  • Automatic information on the efficiency of use of each car. How many requests there are, how many hours it is used, with what mileage. This makes it possible to quickly understand whether the cars are really not enough or are not being used rationally.

Essentially for the optimization through the company car-sharing service from VEM

  • The system allows you to find out if there are cars that are not used at all or are slightly loaded. These same cars, whether they are used or not, have their costs for tires, insurance, preventative maintenance, and care. And last but not least is a pile of money sitting in the parking lot, unused.
  • The opposite image of the above scenario. You have company cars that are constantly occupied and your employees are late for meetings or take taxis that cost you dearly. So it needs more cars.
  • For what purposes are cars most often used, and what type of vehicles are most suitable, according to the number of passengers and the tasks they perform? The reporting module will immediately shed light on the answers to these questions.
  • By using the Car Sharing Module, you reduce the costs of using external transport such as taxis, and rental cars, because you can specify the required number of cars with great accuracy and use them to the maximum.
  • If you have established company cars with low loads, you can use the Car Share system to share them with partner companies for a fee or provide them to your employees for personal use under clear conditions.

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