Save 22 % of the fees on tolls for the Alpine tunnels Fréjus and Mont-Blanc by adding them to the TOLL Europe service provided by VEM Technology to pay tolls in Europe. 

Briefly about the Frejus and Mont Blanc Tunnels 

The Mont-Blanc Tunnel connectsChamonix – Mont-Blanc in Haute-Savoie, France, with the Courmayeur in the Aosta Valley, Italy. When it was opened in 1965, it was the longest road tunnel in the world, measuring 11.6 km. It shortens the journey between Chamonix and Aosta by 60 km, enabling crossing in 10 minutes. The tunnel greatly facilitates travel between France and Italy, especially in case of the closure of the Alpine passages in adverse weather conditions. 

mont-blanc tunnel

The Fréjus Tunnel, which also connects France and Italy, was opened in 1980. It is 12.87 km long. This connection between Savoy and Piedmont is now one of the main highways in the Northern Alps and consists of a two-lane tube. 

frejus tunnel

Which Vehicles Can Use Fréju and Mont-Blanc Tunnels

Tunnels can be used by all passenger vehicles, but have restrictions on commercial vehicles. Fréju and Mont-Blanc are allowed for vehicles of ecological categories 5 and 6. Those with the lower environmental categories – 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 cannot use the two Alpine tunnels.

What are the Advantages of Adding the Fréju and Mont-Blanc Tunnels to the TOLL EUROPE service

  • 22 % discount on the public price for passing through the tunnels.
  • Post-payment, up to 2 weeks after using the service.
  • An unlimited number of trips through the tunnels without prior reservation.
  • A single invoice – all in one place for roads, tunnels, and car parks – a common invoice for tolls and car parks tolled with the onboard unit and those for the Fréju and Mont-Blanc tunnels tolled with a personalized card.
  • There is no additional administrative fee.

As of January 1, 2024, VEM Technology added the Fréjus and Mont Blanc tunnels to its TOLL Europe service. 

TOLL EUROPE is a service intended for companies and individuals operating vehicles above 3.5 tonnes using the road network of 13 European countries – Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Liechtenstein, Poland, Portugal, Hungary, France and Sweden, and subject to tolling.

The tolls for the listed European countries shall be paid using the B’Moov on-board unit and for the two Alpine tunnels Mont-Blanc and Fréjou through a personalized card.

How to Request a Personalized Card with a 22 % Discount for Passing through the Mont Blanc and Fréjou Tunnels

Contact us for a quote or more information on 0700 1 49 49, or by filling in the form below.