EuroGPS is Now Part of the Biggest European Vendor of Telematic Services, Viasat Group
The news about the arrival of the telematics leader Viasat Group on the bulgarian market was announced at a special press conference in Sofia Tech Park.
EuroGPS will now be called Viasat Technology an will be part of the group with the purpose of creating synergy in the innovation and R&D divisions of Viasat Group.
Viasat Group has solidified its position as the european leader in the segment over its 43 year history. It offers a wide portfolio of services – products and services in telematics, telecommunication, insurance and the Internet of Things.
Viasat Group has made serious contributions in the development of usage-based insurance of vehicles. The company has more than 2,100 installation centers all around the world and 150 operators just in its italy call center, which is serious evidence of how seriously the company takes the security of the drivers who use their services. Some of the main achievements of the company are: more than two million produced and installed GPS devices; vertical integration of the company which includes full control over R&D, production, marketing and post-installation services; 10 daughter companies in Europe and South America. Thanks to the solutions of Viasat Group the insurance market, telecoms, logistics and forwarding companies, car rental services and others receive solutions which optimise their costs and allow them to run their businesses more efficiently.
EuroGPS is a leading operator in the telematics business in the country, with over 50% market share. The company develops individual solutions for its clients according to their need. It develops its own software and hardware solutions through its vertical integration. The company works with nearly 1000 corporate clients, including international companies in the telecommunications, distribution, security, construction, agriculture market segments. All EuroGPS solutions are developed according to the needs of the client, reducing their maintenance and control of their corporate fleet by an average of 30%, makign them more competitive. In the last few years, the company has expanded aggressively in the intelligent transport systems market, by successfully implementing smart city solutions for four of the biggest cities in Bulgaria as well as Skopje, Macedonia, the latter winning it a prestigious award through its local partner T-mobile at the 2016 Congress on Information Technology in Brasil.
The news about the acquistion of EuroGPS by Viasat Group was reported on by over 15 different media outlets. Check out the coverage of the event in the Bulgarian media.
www.alfarss.net – Евролидерът в телематичните услуги “Виасат” купи български оператор
www.b2bmedia.bg – Viasat Group придобива родния оператор EuroGPS
www.mediapool.bg – Евролидерът в телематичните услуги “Виасат” купи български оператор
www.tbmagazine.net – Viasat Group придобива българската EuroGPS
www.computerworldbgnews.bg – Италианската Viasat взе мажоритарен дял от българския оператор EuroGPS
www.economic.bg – Viasat Group придобива родния EuroGPS
www.prkernel.eu – Viasat Group придобива родния EuroGPS
www.todaytech.eu – Viasat Group придобива родния EuroGPS
www.technews.bg – Viasat Group придобива родния оператор EuroGPS
www.nixanbal.com – Viasat Group придобива българската EuroGPS
www.b2bmedia.bg – Viasat Group придобива родния оператор EuroGPS
www.topblog.com – Viasat Group придобива българската EuroGPS
www.novinitednes.net – Евролидерът в телематичните услуги “Виасат” купи български оператор